Sunday, May 27, 2012


Site Visit

Front View at Victoria Street

Stairs to Back Side

Back View at Brougham Street

Maple Leaf on Victoria Street

Spectacular City View from the Site

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Project Three-Site Analyse Studies

Goal of site analyse:
  • To achieve a successful design, site analysis is a must&should be done carefully
  • Site Analysis involves taking an inventory of site elements and analyzing these factors relative to the clients need&aims.
  • Gather relevant information about the properties of the site, from topography to climate to wind pattern and vegetation.
  • Analyze these features and incorporate them into the design.
Site anlysis: Inventory list
  • Subsurface features-
  1. G eology: Geological history of the area, bedrock type& depth etc.
  2. Hydrology: Underground water table, aquifers, springs etc.
  3. Soil Genesis: Erosion susceptibility, moisture, reaction organic content, bearing capacity etc.
  • Natural surface features-
  1. Vegetation: Type, size, location, shade pattern, aesthetics, ecology etc.
  2. Slopes: Gradiant, landforms, elevations, drainage pattern.
  3. Wild life: Ecology, species etc.
  4. Climate: Precipitation, annual rain/snow, humidity, wind direction, solar intensity& orientation, average/ highest/lowest temperature.
  • Cultural&Man-made features-
  1. Utilities: Sanitary, water supply, gas, electrical etc.
  2. Land  use: Usage of site, adjacent use, zoning restrictions, easement etc.
  3. Historic notes: archeologial sites, landmarks, building type, size, condition.
  4. Circulation: Linkages an transit roads, auto& pedestrian access, mass transit routes etc.
  5. Social factors: Population, intensity, educational level, economic&political factors, ethnicity, cultural typology etc.
  • Aesthetic factors:
  1. Perceptual: from an auto, by pedestrian, by bike etc.
  2. Spatial pattern: views of the site, views from the site, spaces existing, potential for new areas, sequential relationship.
  3. Natural features: significant natural features of the site, water elements, rock formations, plant materials.